Linux command to see cpu usage
Linux command to see cpu usage

linux command to see cpu usage

This will enable process accounting (if not already added). The second way to look for this is to enable process accounting.

linux command to see cpu usage

There is a problem with this, primarily if the box goes into a runaway cpu loop and produces huge load - your not guaranteed that your actual process will execute in a timely manner during load (if at all) so you could actually miss the output! I would suggest this be your first port of call since it produces the most valuable/reliable data to work with. This will give you a quite detailed outlook of the running of the system at ten minute intervals. pidstat -u 600 >/var/log/pidstats.log & disown $! The first way is to setup pidstat to run in the background and produce data. Note that its entirely possible its many processes in a runaway scenario causing this, not just one. There are a couple of possible ways you can do this.

Linux command to see cpu usage